Drug Free Relief from Chronic Pain
Sounds too good to be true – but it’s not.
Our understanding  of chronic pain has changed over the years.  Traditional Western medicine views new concepts and treatments with well guarded optimism.  Chronic pain sufferers are more than eager to adopt any new method of treatment that enhances their hope of relief and healing.
Modern theories suggest that someone can have a visible source of injury (for example, a herniated disc) and not experience pain. Conversely, there are millions of chronic pain suffers whose physicians are unable to locate a specific source or reason for the experienced pain.  Chronic pain actively involves the brain.  As the brain adjusts to the on-going emergency in the body, it can develop habits that make the pain feel worse.

When medical tests do not explain the degree of pain reported by a patient, they are often told, in one way or another, that the pain is in their head.
This is actually the case… but not in the way they mean it.

We use Biofeedback to Reduce and Eliminate Chronic Pain Caused by Migraines, Fibromyalgia, RSD, and Undiagnosed Causes.
Biofeedback is a process that enables an individual to learn how to change physiological activity for the purposes of improving health and performance. Â Precise instruments measure physiological activity, such as brainwaves, heart function, muscle activity, and skin temperature. Â Over time, these changes can endure without the continued use of an instrument.
In addition to biofeedback, we offer restorative yoga to support all of the work you to lessen your pain.
- We offer proven alternatives to prescription drugs
- We are leaders in the field in using neurofeedback to treat your pain.  Our clinicians and technicians have already helped many individuals struggling with chronic pain, migraines, back pain, RSD and fibromyalgia.  Angelika and Mitch presented a workshop on the use of qEEG and ERP analysis in the treatment of chronic pain at the Fall, 2013 Conference of the Northeast Regional Biofeedback Society held in Albany, New York.
- Recent technology and research has made it clear that to treat your pain, you need to treat your brain. Â The brain is critically involved in the experience of pain. Â With both acute and chronic pain, finding ways to calm the reactivity of the brain helps to alleviate the pain experience.
Neurofeedback can Relieve Chronic Pain
Recent research is indicating that the same pathways in the brain that transmit physical pain signals also transmit emotional pain signals.  Consequently, things like depression, anxiety, stress, etc., can intensify the pain experience.
Neurofeedback or EEG biofeedback makes it possible to train the brain to decrease it’s over activity in areas associated with pain.  As the activity in the pain region reduces, the patient’s pain reduces as well.
Using neurofeedback to treat pain is the most progressive, non-invasive methods of pain treatment.  The method can be used in addition to other treatments.
Before neurofeedback therapy, I used to get very bad headaches all the time. When the pediatrician at CHOP recommended biofeedback, we looked up Dr. Sadar and went for a visit. I have been doing biofeedback for 3 months now and my headaches are almost gone, plus I sleep better!
It is very nice to have a headache free summer!
Schedule a Visit to Learn More about How We Can Help You Reduce Pain. Â Â Contact us