Anxiety evaluation
DISCOVER solutions based on your individualized brain functioning to reduce your anxiety and feel more relaxed.
Traditional methods of treating anxiety have primarily been psychotherapy and/or medications. Some people just “live with it”.
Our evaluations will measure the way your brain is creating anxiety. Generally, anxiety is lumped into one category. However, the brain can make anxiety several ways. One type is the anxiety with a sense of urgency. An example is the person who needs to address their anxiety NOW. Alternately, there are people who are challenged by anxiety that can be paralyzing. Knowing how your brain makes the anxiety can lead to more effective change. We will recommend a variety of treatment options; including biofeedback, home treatment options and traditional treatments.
- Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders of childhood and adolescence. Different kinds of anxiety affect young people at different times in development. Phobias and separation anxiety affect primarily young children; social anxiety develops later, as peer relationships become more important.²
- Nearly one in three adolescents (31.9%) will meet criteria for an anxiety disorder by the age of 18.
- According to epidemiological surveys, one third of the population is affected by an anxiety disorder during their lifetime. They are more common in women. During midlife, their prevalence is highest.
Anxiety can come in many forms:
- Specific phobia: 19.3%
- Social phobia: 9.1%
- Separation anxiety: 7.6%
- PTSD: 5.0 %
- Panic disorder: 2.3%
Anxiety and depression are on the rise.
- Social, political, and environmental causes are likely implicated in an increase in the number of teens each year who have had a depressive episode, up 37 percent between 2005 and 2014.⁵
- High school students today have more anxiety symptoms and are twice as likely to see a mental health professional as teens in the 1980s.⁶
A functional EEG evaluation at Sadar Psychology and Sports Center leads to recommendations (e.g. changes in daily routine, exercise, psychotherapy, biofeedback, etc.) that will allow for a better balanced nervous system and an improved ability to manage your anxiety.